Maybe by now you've heard of the upcoming TPT sitewide sale...
...but have you entered to win one of the five $25 TPT gift cards yet? Today is the last day to enter. If you win, that extra cash will come to your inbox just in time for the sale! Click the image below to enter if you haven't already... winners will be announced tomorrow!
Now, let's get down to business! What is on your wishlist? I love seeing what other people are buying for their classroom. As if I need any other excuse to buy products from TPT...
Feel free to grab the banners and link up, too! Share two items that everyone has on their wish list from your store and one item that you have on your own wish list that you'll buy during the sale.
The number one thing people have wish listed from my store is my Cooking with Science: Physical and Chemical Changes. I really love this lab! I'm usually not a big science girl but I just got inspired when we came to this unit in Science last year and saw all the amazing possibilities this world had to offer to show these kids the difference between physical and chemical changes.
This set includes Literary Connections, Recipe for Homemade Butter, Recipe for Homemade Pancakes, Homemade Butter Lab Sheet, Homemade Pancakes Lab Sheet, Enrichment Activity and Teacher Tips! It's a wonderful way for your students to get a hands-on experience when learning about physical and chemical changes!
The second most wish listed item is my Prefix Parlor Bundle! This bundle includes the first four sets of my Prefix Parlors. Prefix Parlor is a fantastic game for literacy stations or small groups. It allows students the opportunity to review, explore, and understand prefixes while using their context clues to decode vocabulary terms. With the Prefix Parlor your kids will master the concept of prefixes through building words and take it a step further by applying their knowledge with the Enrichment Cards.
One of my most favorite finds this fall was Fourth Grade Flipper's Fall Themed Nonfiction Text Practice and now she has a Winter Themed Nonfiction Text Practice!!!
She includes a themed nonfiction article, six comprehension questions, two short response questions that require my students to go back in the article and use evidence to support their answer, and graphic organizers. This has been such a huge help in trying to teach my students how to use text evidence and I know they'll be excited to see the winter article! Can't wait to download this one!