It's that time of year! The one we all whisper about because if you say it too loud it comes true faster, lol. It's back to school time!!! My BBB's and I would love to help you get ready for this momentous occasion by giving away
THREE $25 gift cards to TPT just in time for their Back to School Sale!
Need some ideas of what to get for your classroom? Here are my two top wish listed items!
Editable Back to School Packet
This editable Back to School Packet includes everything you need to welcome your students and their parents to your classroom this school year! All the handouts are designed to help you get the most information possible about your new students and easily keep it organized throughout the year.
Not only are there resources for Meet the Teacher or Open House, there are also many activities and handouts to help you, and your students, learn all about each other that first week of school! The activities will require your students to work independently, in pairs, and even whole group, all while improving their social skills and making new friends in the process! I have also added "Teacher Tips" for each activity. Teacher Tips are just that, helpful hints or directions that let you know the many different ways to implement these things in your classroom. Click on the image above to grab it for yourself!
Spelling and Vocabulary Stations: Set 1
Spelling and Vocabulary Stations are a wonderful way for students to independently reinforce their learning and enrich themselves through fun activities! Included are six different spelling and vocabulary activities and graphic organizers that require students to think critically, identify spelling patterns or word parts, write creatively, incorporate mathematics into their spelling, and so much more.
Each activity can be used with any set of spelling or vocabulary words. My student's LOVE using these activities for Word Work time. These are also perfect for literacy stations, early finishers, or even homework! Included in this set are three different vocabulary stations and three different spelling stations. Click on the image above to grab your own set!
Now here is one that I have had my eye on and will be snagging in this sale!
Included are 72 questions for any fiction or non-fiction text and in two sizes: key-ring size (my fav) and full sheet size to use on a bulletin board or as anchor charts. This is perfect for my guided reading groups! All I have to do is print and my Guided Reading station is all set up and ready to go! I can eve pass out the key rings to students working together and have them trade off asking each other questions. Click on the photo above to buy your copy of this product!
My store will be 20% off August 4-5! If you enter the code BTS14 you get an extra discount! Can't beat that!
Don't forget to enter the raffle for your chance to win one of three $25 gift cards to TPT!
Rafflecopter Code -
Check out my other BBB's and see what they have on their wish lists as well!
Happy shopping y'all!