In honor of Valentine's Day and my birthday I'm giving some goodies away! This week's 52 Weeks of Pinterest creation is a gift for my kiddos. I'm sure you have seen these cute glowing valentine's all around Pinterest and they are from the wonderful Lindsey at
The Teacher Wife (she has
super cute stuff if you haven't checked her out yet!). I just recreated them with my fonts (partially because I didn't realize that clicking on her picture would take me to a google doc until it was too late, haha). If you click on the picture below it will take you to a google doc where you can download it for FREE!!!
Or if you want to sign your own name, click
here for a blank valentine.
Also in honor of the duel holiday (for me anyway, lol) I am giving away my newest product for
free and since I'm turning 27, the rest of my store will be
27% off ! My only birthday wish is that you please leave feedback and let me know what you think :o) Here is a sneak peek at my newest product: Tricabulary - Fractions!
It's a new twist on your classic matching game. Along with having to match a term to its definition, you will add a third category and match an example to the two as well. Now the example card can be a challenge so feel free to use it as an enrichment. This game works great in my TIMER tubs for math centers and depending on which groups are playing this game I take away or add certain cards to differentiate for review or enrichment. Click on the picture above to take you to my TN store for your free download! If you don't have a Teacher's Notebook account the same freebies and sales are going on at my TPT store.
Remember all this fun free stuff and sale is only available on February 14, 2013!
Happy Valentine's Day y'all!
Loved the Glow Stick Valentines so much, I used them in my room! Thank you! :) PS I have nominated you for Liebster!! Go check out my blog for the deets. :)
ideas by jivey