Sunday, January 13, 2013

52 Weeks of Pinterest: Week 2 Personal Organizer

Last week's Pinterest creation, the Family Organization Binder, had me thinking that I wanted a little mini binder for myself!  There were some cute ideas on Pinterest and Crystal Wilkerson had some really cute ideas and printables but you have to buy them.  Right now we are trying to save for a house (every little bit helps, right) so I decided to give a shot at making some things I needed myself.  Here is a picture of the cover of my planner, I made it with my new Silhouette Cameo (thank you best husband ever!).

I love this Avery 8" x 5.5" binder!  It's got this little pocket on the inside that holds my pens, highlighters, post its, etc.  AND it also doesn't seem to bulge out and get in the way of closing it.  I know that seems a little silly to care about but I do ;o)  Oh life's little things!

Yeah, that's our kitchen floor and oven, but it was the best lighting with no shadow at this time of night! Don't judge, haha!

Inside there is a pack of paper, which I noticed with more and more meetings going on (especially with FCAT rapidly approaching) I needed more writing space than my last planner was able to hold so this was the perfect solution!  I bought the pocket folder dividers from Avery but they did not have tabs on them so I also bought little sticky tabs and stuck them where I wanted the tabs to go.  My five dividers are as follows: Calendar, To Do, Notes, Lesson Plans, and Blog.  All pretty self explanatory :o)

Here are the links to the calendar sheets.  I'm sorry I couldn't get them all on one file, for some reason the computer program was being wonky (yes, wonky) and this was the easiest solution.  You will see there is a very light dotted line going down the center of the page.  That is your cut line.  If you cut along that edge it will cut perfectly in half and fit into your binder.  Now since I'm not patient talented enough to change how my three hole punch lines up, I just put a piece of the notebook paper on top of the calendar and used my single hole punch to create the holes where they needed to be and voila!  It worked out just great!  And much quicker than I anticipated.

January 2013                              May 2013                          September 2013
February 2013                            June 2013                          October 2013
March 2013                                July 2013                           November 2013
April 2013                                  August 2013                      December 2013

If you decide to take on your own mini personal binder I hope you enjoy the creating of it as much as you do the using of it!  If you have pictures of your own personal planners I would love to see them and get more ideas!  Happy organizing y'all!


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea! I love your "Pintrest activity a week" plan - such a great thing! I love Pintrest - I often feel that I'm going to get carple tunnel from pinning :)

    Joy in the Journey
